The Biggest Challenge So Far
12:01 AM

By right I'm very busy with my job now. I have new project contract to read before tomorrow kick off meeting. I need to summarize the additional work and also start to issue PR for CP4 project. Also my frustrated Digi project that still pending from claim.

I still don't understand why I had selected and what quality that they found from me. Today receive a email from the COO and written like this,

"Mr. Lim is our PM for UCTS P2S2.
He will be visiting the site team together with Mr. Goh this week.
Pls give them full support to manage UCTS projects & other works"

Honestly, I'm happy that finally I have my own project to handle and I'm the Project Manager of the new project. The project value not as big as DIGI and Sunway project that I handling now. But the system for the project is too large for me and some of the system I no idea at all how to do it. Thats really scare me off.

Mix feeling
Positive way
1) Is an opportunity
2) Can learn lots of new system
3) On right track to become a project manager
4) Good in career prospect

Negative way
1) New environment, new place, new people
2) LOTS of system
3) No room to fail
4) Alot of thoughts

This is the first time a company put so much trust on me. I'm not sure why I don't have the confident. Maybe I put a of lot hope in this project where it's 100% they let me to run the show. The problem is I never run so big show!!! I hope I got a good support from the team and also the top management in this project. Off cause I will try my very best to make everything works. Will be very very very busy with this project. Wish me luck guyz!!!!

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